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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - scheme


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Перевод с английского языка scheme на русский

схема, диаграммаaddress coding scheme – addressing scheme – annular scheme – automatic switching scheme – channelizing scheme – circuit scheme – coding scheme – control scheme – detection area scheme – digital compression scheme – double-bus scheme – electrical scheme – motion-compensated coding scheme – optic scheme – ring bus scheme – self-timed scheme – single-bus scheme – switching scheme – syndrome calculation scheme – time-sharing scheme – trunking scheme – wiring scheme
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) план 2) планировать 3) проект 4) составлять схему 5) схема absolute ring scheme — абсолютная кольцевая схема completely confounded scheme — план эксперимента с полным смешиванием эффектов composite sampling scheme — схема составного выборочного контроля decision decisive scheme — решающая схема dissipative difference scheme — диссипативная разностная схема double sampling scheme — схема двухкратного выборочного контроля evolutionary operation scheme — схема эволюционного планирования (эксперимента) geometrically irreducible scheme — геометрически неприводимая схема memory allocation scheme — схема расположения памяти multiple sampling scheme — схема многократного выборочного контроля partial recursive scheme — частично рекурсивная схема primitive recursive scheme — примитивно рекурсивная схема restricted induction scheme — ограниченная схема индукции scheme of hidden periodicity — схема скрытой периодичности sequential sampling serial sampling scheme — план последовательного выборочного контроля single sampling scheme — план однократного выборочного контроля singly connected scheme — односвязная схема three-block scheme indication — ж.-д. система сигнализации четырехзначная - Crank-Nicholson scheme - abstract scheme - affine scheme - algebraic scheme - algebraizable scheme - arbitration scheme - associative scheme - atomic scheme - autoregressive scheme - axiom scheme - band scheme - base scheme - binomial sampling scheme - canonical...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) схема 2) план, проект, программа 3) система 4) структура • - Token Import Scheme - arbitration scheme - block scheme - bonus scheme - bubble scheme - conversion scheme - deposit insurance scheme - distribution scheme - graduated pension scheme - grand-lot scheme - incentive scheme - lay a scheme - suggestion scheme Syn: schematic model, project, plan, flow sheet, chart, map, pattern, drawing, assembly, circuit, element, device, plot 2. гл. проектировать, планировать SCHEME – classification scheme ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  схема – baby scheme – female scheme – prey scheme ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. план, проект, программа a scheme of work —- график (план) работы a scheme for a canal —- проект канала a scheme of maneuver —- воен. план маневра simple scheme —- простой план (проект) to draw up a scheme —- набросать план (проект) now, what's the scheme? —- разг. ну, каков план действий? to lay down a scheme of education —- излагать программу образования under the proposed scheme —- согласно предложенному плану 2. замысел daring scheme —- дерзкий замысел 3. система, структура, построение (a) colour scheme —- сочетание цветов an effective colour scheme —- эффектный подбор цветов a scheme of life —- уклад жизни the scheme of a sonata —- построение сонаты the scheme of the sonnet —- форма (структура) сонета the scheme of society —- структура общества 4. тайный или нечестный замысел, заговор; махинация, интрига shady schemes —- темные махинации schemes and intrigues —- махинации и интриги to lay (to devise, to concoct) a scheme to do smth. —- замышлять что-л. to thwart smb.'s schemes —- сорвать чьи-л. замыслы 5. краткий план, конспект; резюме to give the students a scheme of work for the year —- дать студентам план работы на текущий год 6. схема, чертеж, диаграмма 7. pl. пустые мечты, прожекты 8. лог. филос. схема 9. диал. эскапада, веселый кутеж 10. уст. внешняя форма, внешний вид 11. уст. гороскоп 12. замышлять (недоброе); строить тайные планы to scheme smb.'s downfall —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) план, проект; программа; to lay a scheme - составлять план, задумывать, замышлять  2) система, построение, расположение; under the present scheme of society - при современном устройстве общества; a colour scheme - сочетание цветов  3) интрига, махинация; происки - bubble scheme  4) конспект; краткое изложение  5) схема, чертеж Syn: see intrigue  2. v.  1) замышлять (недоброе); плести интриги, интриговать; Many politicians are mostly concerned with scheming for personal power.  2) планировать, проектировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  проект; план; программа схема; чертёж; диаграмма система, структура (строительный) объект разрабатывать проект (план), планировать color scheme development schemes dewatering scheme erection scheme framing scheme housing scheme hydroelectric scheme network scheme redevelopment scheme stressing scheme structural scheme tube structural scheme water scheme water regulation scheme water-supply scheme ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) схема; диаграмма 2) план; проект 3) алгоритм; процедура; последовательность операций - scheme of transposition - allocation scheme - augmentation scheme - block scheme - breaker-and-a-half scheme - coding scheme - contact scheme - database scheme - deorbit scheme - disposal scheme - double-pipe scheme - down-hole completion scheme - drainage scheme - enhancement scheme - flow scheme - functional scheme - hydroelectric scheme - interconnection scheme - interconnect scheme - irrigation scheme - kinematic scheme - layout scheme - linked basin scheme - long-range guidance scheme - multiburn rendezvous scheme - multipurpose water-resources scheme - navigation scheme - one-and-a-half breaker scheme - pinout scheme - priority scheme - proliferation-resistant reprocessing scheme - pumped-storage hydroclectricity scheme - pumped-storage scheme - relation scheme - rewire scheme - river-basin scheme - series burn stationkeeping scheme - short-range guidance scheme - single-pipe scheme - stationkeeping scheme - storage scheme - three-pipe scheme - vapor crystal growth scheme - waste-water treatment scheme - water diversion scheme - wiring scheme ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a systematic plan or arrangement for work, action, etc. b a proposed or operational systematic arrangement (a colour scheme). 2 an artful or deceitful plot. 3 a timetable, outline, syllabus, etc. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by for, or to + infin.) plan esp. secretly or deceitfully; intrigue. 2 tr. plan to bring about, esp. artfully or deceitfully (schemed their downfall). Derivatives schemer n. Etymology: L schema f. Gk (as SCHEMA) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin schemat-, schema arrangement, figure, from Greek schemat-, schema, from echein to have, hold, be in (such) a condition; akin to Old English sige victory, Sanskrit sahate he prevails  Date: circa 1595  1.  a. archaic  (1) a mathematical or astronomical diagram  (2) a representation of the astrological aspects of the planets at a particular time  b. a graphic sketch or outline  2. a concise statement or table ; epitome  3. a plan or program of action; especially a crafty or secret one  4. a systematic or organized configuration ; design color ~  Synonyms: see plan  II. verb  (~d; scheming)  Date: 1749  transitive verb to form a ~ for  intransitive verb to form plans; also plot, intrigue  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (schemes, scheming, schemed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A scheme is a plan or arrangement involving many people which is made by a government or other organization. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use program) ...schemes to help combat unemployment. ...a private pension scheme... N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, n N 2. A scheme is someone’s plan for achieving something. ...a quick money-making scheme to get us through the summer... N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, N for -ing 3. If you say that people are scheming, you mean that they are making secret plans in order to gain something for themselves. Everyone’s always scheming and plotting... The bride’s family were scheming to prevent a wedding... They claimed that their opponents were scheming against them... You’re a scheming little devil, aren’t you? VERB: oft cont, V, V to-inf, V against n, V-ing c darkgreen]disapproval • scheming ...their favourite pastimes of scheming and gossiping. N-UNCOUNT 4. see also colour scheme, pension scheme 5. When people talk about the scheme of things or the grand scheme of things , they are referring to the way that everything in the world seems to be organized. We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 BrE an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training  (a government training scheme for the unemployed | a pension scheme) 2 a clever plan, especially to do something bad or illegal  (another one of his dumb schemes for making money) 3 a system that you use to organize information, ideas etc  (classification scheme | colour scheme (=the way the colours have been organized in a room)) 4 be in the scheme of things to be part of the way things generally happen, or are organized  (It was seen as a medium-sized company in the general scheme of things.) ~2 v to secretly make clever and dishonest plans to get or achieve something  (scheme to do sth)  (He spent the next two years bitterly scheming to get his revenge. | scheme against sb)  (She became convinced that her family was scheming against her.) - schemer n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: COLOR SCHEME. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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